Centered in the Eucharist
The curriculum at Immaculate Conception School meets the requirements of the State of New York. Students are instructed in Christian Doctrine, Reading, Language Arts, Spelling, Handwriting, Social Studies, Mathematics and Science daily. Special classes of Music, Art, Health, Computer, Spanish and Library are provided for all classes.
Students have physical education twice a week. This is a well-rounded program and includes a variety of activities. The New York State Physical Fitness Program is a part of this curriculum. The faculty at Immaculate Conception School are all degreed personnel and are qualified in their teaching positions. Emphasis is placed on a good foundation in the basics. Students are extremely well prepared for Junior High School. Religion is not only taught in each grade but is incorporated in daily living, working and playing together. Experiences are provided to shared community in liturgy and para-liturgical celebrations.
Monthly school Masses: Each grade level has a turn as lectors, singers and offertory participants, Special Mass just for our second graders and their families after their First Eucharist, Weekly focus on the Gospel readings for that coming weekend, Sixth Grade graduation liturgy.